My Background
Hello, and thank you for looking at my website.
People are often a bit surprised when I tell them what I ‘do’. And sometimes I have to kick myself when I remember that this is, in fact, my job. After being inspired by my history of art teacher at school, and then mentored by the gloriously charismatic Nick Ross, director of Art History Abroad, I feel incredibly lucky to be working as an international speaker, guide and TV presenter, and spending my time surrounded by art and culture.
I am the daughter of a landscape architect and an artist, so creativity has been in my life since the beginning. I am a pianist and singer and feel so fortunate to have music as a constant too. I studied Art History at Edinburgh University before realising, almost immediately afterwards, that my great passion was researching and communicating on all things related to art history.
From my fledgling years leading art tours for Nick in Italy, to setting up my London-based business ArtscapesUK in 2009, my fascinating projects in the UAE from 2015, and the regular private programmes I conduct for clients across Europe, I have been amazed at the strength and depth of the power of art from across the world. Wherever I go, it is the art that tells the greatest truth about people and their country. To have the opportunity to stand in front of paintings, within pieces of architecture, to be able walk around a sculpture or indeed touch an installation, is a privilege I will never tire of. The first moment of engagement with art is often electrifying and it is wonderful to see similar responses when I take people to places I love dearly.
Unforgettable Moments
While writing about the power of art, I am reminded of standing in front of Piero della Francesca’s Madonna del Parto in a little town in Umbria. A very pregnant Madonna looks knowingly out towards us, one hand on her hip, while with the other she caresses her straining stomach (see the picture above). I happened to be pregnant at the time, and as such was treated like a celebrity by the staff there: all pregnant ladies meet the Madonna for free! Communing with this painting was one of the most powerful art experiences of my life.
Another moment that springs to mind is sitting within one of James Turrell’s “Skyspaces” on a small island off the coast of Japan. In awe and silence, his artwork allowed us to witness the almost mythic, yet inevitable change of light as the sun set. Light as art, has been an interest of mine ever since. Furthermore, the way in which this piece allowed our heart rates to slow, our minds and bodies to settle and equalize, and for us to be fully ‘present’, was marvellous indeed.
The list of memorable moments goes on and on. And nothing gives me more joy than sharing these experiences with my clients.
How I Work
Research takes up a large part of my life and I relish having the excuse to perpetually expand my knowledge by getting stuck into a book or ten. (I am grateful to my husband and daughter for putting up with the cacophony of well-thumbed books that grace every inch of space in our house!) The ‘skill’ of building and teasing out a story – and a story that really matters to us today – has been something I have worked on for twenty years now. It is a time consuming but thrilling process, and it will never bore me. The way I develop my storytelling is constantly evolving with age, experience and the changing circumstances of my life. Watch this space – I’ll get my first book out there soon! I have a tonne of ideas bubbling away just waiting to be more thoroughly explored.
My Clients
The most rewarding element of all has been meeting my clients. Every single tour, online talk, course, lecture, retreat, forum, seminar, has allowed me to engage with fabulous people from around the world. I am constantly delighted about my repeat clients’ enthusiasm for what I do and I look forward to further building this wonderful community over the years to come. For those who are new to me and this website, I do hope to meet you at some point soon so we can begin new conversations, and explore exciting realms of art.
Art has such power to bring people together. I truly believe that it allows us to communicate in different ways and speaks of universal themes that can bind us all. Or, as Picasso put it, “The purpose of art is washing the dust of life off your souls”.
To learn about my online talks, and on-the-ground tours, please do sign up to my newsletter below. For more information about my private talks and tours please email me on