Putting the Record Straight: The Lost Women of Art History

A 7 part series from September – December 2024, @ Society Dubai

Experience the remarkable and inspiring stories of trailblazing female artists across the ages. Let the voices of these women be heard again, and let us celebrate together their empowering tales of resilience, determination and sensational artistic innovation.

Women artists across Europe, throughout the centuries, have fought to be heard and seen. Fighting to show that they can sit alongside their male counterparts and achieve what they deserve.

Join Rose Balston at Society Dubai, Jumeirah 1, as she shines a light on European women artists from the 16th through to the 18th century. This was a time when women were not only side-lined, but simply blocked out of art history. When there is only an “Old Master” and only a “Masterpiece”. Throughout you will discover the remarkable achievements of these women – their relentless determination, their powerful biographies, and above all their innovative and ground- breaking art.

Every other Wednesday from 11th Sept – 4th Dec 2024, 11 – 12.30pm, join talks individually,  or to get the most out of the series, buy a bundle at a discounted rate.  

Talk dates, booking and further details below. 

The Final Talk - 4th December


Angelica Kauffman: Prodigy, Pioneer

Wednesday 4th December, 11 – 12.30pm

Angelica Kauffman was one of the founding members of the Royal Academy of Arts in London. Alongside her friend Joshua Reynolds, Kauffman forged a highly successful career and achieved international renown – not only as a sought-after portrait painter but also as a committed history painter.

Why then, did fellow Royal Academician Johan Zoffany, remove Kauffman from his famous painting the “Academicians of the Royal Academy”, three years after foundation of the institution? Instead, she and her fellow female academician Mary Moser, are depicted as busts, shown in the background. Objects of male contemplation. Demoted so drastically that the short flame of hope at their election was almost immediately snuffed out.

In this concluding talk we’ll spotlight Angelica’s incredibly successful career. But also – importantly – look again to the wrongs of art history.

Angelica Kauffman was one of the founding members of the Royal Academy of Arts in London. Alongside her friend Joshua Reynolds, Kauffman forged a highly successful career and achieved international renown – not only as a sought-after portrait painter but also as a committed history painter.

Why then, did fellow Royal Academician Johan Zoffany, remove Kauffman from his famous painting the “Academicians of the Royal Academy”, three years after foundation of the institution? Instead, she and her fellow female academician Mary Moser, are depicted as busts, shown in the background. Objects of male contemplation. Demoted so drastically that the short flame of hope at their election was almost immediately snuffed out.

In this concluding talk we’ll spotlight Angelica’s incredibly successful career. But also – importantly – look again to the wrongs of art history.

Contact and Newsletter

For speaking engagements, tour enquiries and other information, please email Rose on: rose@rosebalston.com. 

By joining Rose’s newsletter you will receive invitations to sign up to her public on-the-ground tours and online talks. In due course Rose will run a podcast. All information will be released through the newsletter.